In her second year of study, Armelle completed a period of placement with the Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce, Belfast, during which time she explored the economic dynamic of the chamber while completing a research project, on behalf of the chamber, investigating a range of legal policies and associated documents.

Armelle Lefebure Anderson (centre) on placement at the NI Chamber of Commerce and Industry with Ms Oonagh O’Reilly, Business Development Director (left), and Liberal Arts graduate, Ms Eileen Morgan (right).
In her final year of study, Armelle had the opportunity to complete her placement at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, shadowing one of the political advisors. She worked with EU legal documents and investigated EU climate change policies relevant to developing economies while also completing tasks involving translation work, writing reports, attending meetings and issuing press releases.

Armelle commented, "Work Related Learning modules had prepared me with knowledge of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ethically motivated relationships and their significance within a working environment. In general, my final year of study forced me to work more independently and evidenced autonomous thinking and the development of my research skills. This aspect of my personal development became extremely important in completing my placement portfolio. I realised how lucky I was to complete my placement in the European Parliament, as it served to bring to life the very foundation of my Liberal Arts degree programme and my study of Ireland in Europe modules included in the Liberal Arts degree programme. I had the opportunity to observe and meet political personalities who are of immense importance to Europe, and I attended a Committee on Development (DEVE) meeting chaired by Eva Joly, a major figure in the French ecological and social movement and a significant political personality for any French person (and a personal hero of mine!)."
After graduating, Armelle attended Trinity College Dublin and completed a Master of Laws (LL.M.) in International and Comparative Law. Before graduating from Trinity, Armelle had secured employment with Centerpoint AS, Oslo, Norway, as Bid Tender Manager and quickly achieved promotion becoming a full-time member of the Bid Management Team. While working in Oslo, Armelle maintained her links with Ireland, and unsurprisingly, a long-term relationship led to marriage! Having decided to settle in Ireland, Armelle then renewed her focus on achieving employment there. She quickly secured a position as one of the bid managers with Fujitsu, Dublin, and in under six months she was headhunted by Oneview Healthcare Solutions, Dublin, an international company working to optimize clinical performance and workflow efficiencies by providing interactive access to patient information, clinical applications and communications capability at the point of care.
Armelle always has favoured working for companies with an international dimension and, since 2016, has achieved her ideal role as Bid Manager for Actavo (, based at their Dublin offices. Actavo is a leading international strategic operations partner operating in over 100 locations. Actavo’s global workforce of more than 5,500 employees delivers industrial solutions, network solutions, in-home solutions, hire and sales solutions, event solutions and building solutions to the world’s leading companies. Sectors in which Actavo specialises include power generation, marine, petrochemical energy, nuclear energy, home energy, satellite communications and telecommunications, education, healthcare, events services, civil engineering, water and construction. Armelle now feels very much at one with her latest role and duties, which extend beyond the bid management process and involve her in bid management training and strategic management planning.
