Human Development Studies

"The unexamined life is not worth living."

Human Development Studies provides all students with a solid academic foundation and the fundamental tools necessary to continue developing their habits of intellectual inquiry. To do so, the course extends beyond providing answers: it raises the questions central to our humanity. These questions may be phrased as follows:

  • How did we get to this place in the world?
  • How can we think about our lives in this world and discover roles in it?
  • How ought we, both personally and communally, respond to the world and its demands?

To answer these questions, students will engage with staff on a cross-disciplinary exploration of the human condition. Areas covered in the three-year programme include:

  • philosophical and ethical theories concerning human nature and the good life
  • analysis of political concepts and themes e.g. citizenship
  • economic and financial insights about the organization, values and processes of the world of business
  • development of skills for communication, career development and numeracy
  • practical application of these issues through placements in the workplace.

In the final year, the insights of the various disciplines are applied to a study of key questions facing our world today: developments in contemporary political thought and the emergence of globalization.

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