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Job Title(s)Senior Lecturer
Phone No.+44 (0) 28 9026 8218 
Internal Phone No.ext. 218 


Literacy Team

Short Description

I have been a member of the Literacy and Education team for the past 12 years. It is an area of the curriculum that I am highly passionate about and teach a range of courses at B.Ed, PGCE and M.Level.

My particular interest is in the area of developing language through storytelling and puppetry. I have delivered a workshop at the UKLA conference and my work on active approaches to Literacy through storytelling was accepted for presentation at the International Children’s Literature Conference in UWE Bristol. I offer inservice advice to Primary Schools and have given talks to parents on the importance of story. In addition I complete workshops with children in schools. My main objective is to inspire students and teachers to become creative teachers of Literacy.

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