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Job Title(s)Senior Lecturer in Irish Medium Education and Gaeilge
Coordinator of Irish Medium Post Primary PGCE
Phone No.+44 (0) 28 9026 8281 
Internal Phone No.ext. 281 


Irish Medium Education


International Office

Short Description

I coordinate the Irish language and Irish Medium Enhancement Course for those Irish Medium students registered on Post Primary PGCE Courses at UU and QUB. I teach Irish Language and Literature on the BEd and BA degree courses. I also teach curriculum studies namely numeracy, literacy and The World Around Us through the medium of Irish. I teach the grammar and syntax of Irish within immersion pedagogy for Irish Medium Education. I supervise M- Level dissertations as well as contributing to individual M-Level modules in Irish and Irish Medium Education.

Current Research

The history of the Irish language and its literature; the Irish song and storytelling tradition; place names; autoethnography.

Immersion education and pedagogy; Irish Medium Education; language learning and teaching; bilingualism; biliteracy.

Mac Corraidh, S., 2022, ‘Nach te an rud an Ghaeilge?’: Isn’t Irish a warm thing? Learning Irish language and song: an autoethnographic self-reflection, Folk Life: Journal of Ethnological Studies, Vol. 60, 1, pp. 19-40.

Mac Corraidh, S., 2022, ‘Noirm na Gaeilge a aibhsiú, Teanga shóisialta na ndaltaí a fhorbairt agus áit an Bhéarla sa ghaelscolaíocht a bheachtú’, Léann Teanga: An Reiviú.


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