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Taighde agus Teagasc



Celebrating the launch of Taighde agus Teagasc, Imleabhar 7 - Ag Treorú na Foghlama sa Ghaeloideachas


Celebrating the launch of Taighde agus Teagasc,
Imleabhar 7 - Ag Treorú na Foghlama sa Ghaeloideachas


Ciarán Ó Pronntaigh, Dr Eibhlín Mhic Aoidh, Dr Seán Mac Corraidh,
Mr Dónal Ó hAiniféin, Prof Peter Finn, KSG, Dr Gabrielle Nig Uidhir.


St Mary’s University College,  Belfast, leads learning in Irish-medium education

Congratulations to St Mary’s University College, Belfast, on the launch of its latest research publication, the seventh edition of Taighde agus Teagasc, at the St Mary’s campus on Thursday, 6 February 2020.

The latest edition of the journal presents research papers by academics and educators from universities throughout Ireland focusing on Irish-medium education. The peer-reviewed journal is associated with the triennial conference on Irish-medium education held in the College. The journal opens with an introduction by Dr Pádraig Ó Mianáin, who was guest speaker at the earlier conference where he made an inspiring address. Eleven research papers follow, exploring a wide range of issues relevant to Irish-medium education. Copies of the journal were distributed at the launch event and a pdf version will soon be available on the St Mary’s University College Website.

At the launch celebration, Dónal Ó hAiniféin made an introductory address before officially launching the new publication. He asked the school principals in the audience to make the journal available to their staff and to use it to inspire debate and professional reflection on some of the research findings reported in the journal. The event was attended by professionals from schools, universities, the Department of Education, CCEA as well as representatives from the media and the community sector, West Belfast Partnership Board and Cultúrlann Mac Adam-Ó Fiaich. Students from the Irish-medium academic programmes contributed to the event with some traditional Irish music.

If you would like a copy of the journal, some are available at An Ceathrú Póilí, Cultúrlann Mac Adaim-Ó Fiaich, Belfast, or contact St Mary's (Ciarán Ó Dornáin).


Coláiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire ag treorú nafoghlama ar an Ghaeloideachas

Comhghairdeas le Coláiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire, BéalFeirste, as an fhoilseachán taighde, an seachtú heagrán deTaighde agus Teagasc, a chur i gcló. Rinneadh an t- risleabhar acadúil a sheoladh i gcampas an Choláiste, Déardaoin, 6 Feabhra, 2020.

San eagrán is déanaí den irisleabhar, foilsíodh ailt taighde a scríobh oideachasóirí, teangeolaithe agus lucht léinn a bhfuil cur amach acu ar an Ghaeloideachas ar fud na tíre. Tá nasc ag an irisleabhar le comhdháil ar an Ghaeloideachas a reáchtáladh sa Choláiste. Fáiltítear roimh an intreoir spreagúil a scríobh an Dr Pádraig Ó Mianáin, aoichainteoir na comhdhála, ag tús na hirise. Cuirtear 11 pháipéar taighde i láthair na léitheoirí a thugannléargas ar an iliomadgnéithe den oideachas lán- haeilge. Bhícóipeanna den irisleabhar ar fáil ag ócáid an tseolta aguscuirfear leagan leictreonachar fáil ar shuíomh an Choláistegan mhoill.

Is é Dónall Ó hAiniféin, príomhoide agustionscnóir na Gaeilge, a bhí i láthair chun an t- risleabhar a sheoladh. Labhair Dónal faoin tábhacht le taighde úr a threoraíonn agus a thacaíonn le pobal an Ghaeloideachais barrchumas a bhaint amach,

“Caithfimid a beith níos fearr ná gach aon scoil eile. Caithfimid a beith ceannródaíoch mar atá an institiúd seo ó thaobh theagasc na Gaelainne agus ó thaobh cumasúmúinteoirí don ghort lánGhaeilge.”

Tá cóipeanna den irisleabhar ar fáil ag An Ceathrú Póilí, Cultúrlann Mac Adam Ó Fiaich, Béal Feirste, nó ag an Choláiste, (Ciarán Ó Dornáin).


Some of the researchers who published papers in Taighde & Teagasc Vol 7: Dr Seán Mac Corraidh (St Mary's), Dr Eibhlín Mhic Aoidh (St Mary's), Dr TJ Ó Ceallaigh (MIC, Limerick), Dr Claire Dunne (Marino Institute of Education), Dr Pádraig Ó Mianáin, Dr Gabrielle Nig Uidhir (St Mary's),  Dr Fearghal Mac Bhloscaidh (St Mary's), Dr Ciarán Ó Dornáin (St Mary's), Aileen Nic Íomhair (Bunscoil Eoin Báiste, Portadown), Eibhlín Nic Gearailt (CCEA).


Some of the researchers who published papers in Taighde & Teagasc Vol 7:

Dr Seán Mac Corraidh (St Mary’s), Dr Eibhlín Mhic Aoidh (St Mary’s), Dr TJ Ó Ceallaigh (MIC, Limerick),
Dr Claire Dunne (Marino Institute of Education), Dr Pádraig Ó Mianáin, Dr Gabrielle Nig Uidhir (St Mary’s),
Dr Fearghal Mac Bhloscaidh (St Mary’s), Dr Ciarán Ó Dornáin (St Mary’s), Aileen Nic Íomhair (Bunscoil Eoin Báiste, Portadown),
Eibhlín Nic Gearailt (CCEA).


Professionals from the Irish-medium sector- Principals, teachers and academic researchers and other experts as well as student teachers – as they listened to the Guest speaker’s address.


Professionals from the Irish-medium sector- Principals, teachers and academic researchers and
other experts as well as student teachers – as they listened to the Guest speaker’s address.