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Justice Conference




Dr Birgit Schippers, senior lecturer at St Mary’s University College, spoke on the topical issue of facial recognition technology at the Justice Conference 2020 held recently at the Alex Hotel in Dublin.

As well as looking broadly at high-level organizational and culture change, the conference also dealt with areas such as community safety, mental health among prisoners, the issue of coercive control, achieving the human rights balance and restorative justice.

The conference brought together the key players across the sector locally to focus on the main issues surrounding justice policy and delivery and how agencies in Ireland can collaborate to achieve the vision of a safe, fair and inclusive country. It provided a unique opportunity for all those operating within the sector, and those interacting with it, to come together for networking and discussion.


Dr Birgit Schippers, senior lecturer at St Mary’s University College, spoke on the topical issue of facial recognition technology at the Justice Conference 2020 held recently at the Alex Hotel in Dublin.


Dr Schippers has a new article 'Artificial Intelligence and Democratic Politics', published in Political Insight and now available online (via Athens password or QUB access)