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Successful Summer School


Successful Summer School



St Mary's annual M-level Summer School offers teachers the opportunity to engage in a professional learning experience that is as enjoyable as it is rewarding. Due to current restrictions around social interaction, this year's Summer School was a particularly unique experience in that delivery of courses was online. Seventy-seven participants enjoyed a week long programme of professional learning that included the following modules:

  • Behaviour Issues in the Context of Special Educational Needs 
  • Contemporary Leadership issues for the Effective School 
  • Current Issues in the Teaching of Language and Literacy
  • Leaders in Catholic Schools
  • Principles into Practice in the Early Years
  • Saibhreas agus Cruinneas na Gaeilge
  • Understanding, Supporting and Teaching Pupils with Specific Literacy Difficulties

Distance delivery mode didn't impede participants' enjoyment as can be seen from the comments below:

"I am absolutely loving it: the course is so informative and well paced, yet challenging (rightly so) and delivered in a way which avoids us being overwhelmed or overloaded. I am genuinely looking forward to tomorrow and to next week. This module doesn't feel like a chore, instead I feel excited and ready to delve deeper into the topic. This is my first time studying through St Mary's and I am honestly blown away by the professionalism I've encountered at every level."

"Outstanding! This module was highly enjoyable and relevant to developing my professional practice."

"I have already begun to design the next INSET days for the staff at my school using some of the materials presented to us. Really enjoyable and engaging."   

"Really welcoming, enthusiastic and prepared tutors."

"I thought the content and quality of teaching was fantastic. Everything was very clear to understand."

"I thought the quality of teaching in this module was outstanding. It is not easy to teach remotely and all three lecturers handled it so well. I feel so energised despite the term I have put in!!!"

"Perfect, specially adapted to suit current times."

"Excellent blend of theory and practice in the real world. The module was clearly structured and adhered to the time table."

"The quality of teaching was superb."

"Tutors were absolutely first class in their delivery of the module. A really worthwhile week that struck the right balance between enjoyment, learning and being put out of our comfort zone."

"I have learned so much in such a short space of time. Thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the course."

For more information about St Mary's M-level courses, please see the programme prospectus available on our website or
contact Dr Donna Hazzard, Programme Director.