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Féile 2020


Virtual Féile 2020



Féile 2020 - Image for forward by Professor Peter Finn, Principal of St Mary's University College, Belfast
Foreward text by Professor Peter Finn, Principal of St Mary's University College, Belfast



Artificial Intelligence and the challenge to human rights with Dr Birgit Schippers


Ballymurphy Massacre - Documentary Screening


McGurk's Bar Bombing with Ciarán Macairt


Clonard Monastry Concert


Let's Talk Politics - with David McCann, Amanda Ferguson, Tim Cairns and Allison Morris


Why doesn't she just leave? - with Alison Morris, Sinead Larkin & Women’s Aids’ Sonya McMullan


Minority Voices of Unionism - with Jennifer Todd(chair), Christine Bell and Gladys Ganiel

Yanis Varoufakis - Impact of the Virus on the global economy

Congressman Richie Neal in Conversation

Noam Chomsky - The state of the world after coronavirus

Fintan O'Toole - It's life, but not as we know it: Society after the coronavirus
Children of the Troubles
COVID-19: A plague on all your houses! - with Professor Gabriel Scally & Professor Mike Tomlinson
David McWilliams - The existing All-Ireland economy
The full Virtual Féile 2020 programme can be viewed online.


Féile 2020 Virtual Partners - Thank You