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Dermot McCartan RIP


The community of governors, staff and students, as well as the College's wider circle of alumni and friends, is deeply saddened by the news of the death of our former colleague Dermot McCartan. St Mary’s offers its deepest condolences to Dermot's family, friends and former colleagues.

Dermot was a true gentleman in the full sense of the word. He commenced employment with the College in October 1999 and retired in 2015 after 16 years' service as a Senior Lecturer in Education. He made an outstanding contribution to the Education department and was very popular with the students. In addition, we can thank Dermot for the College's participation in the Study USA programme as it was he who got it started at St Mary’s and enabled students to obtain scholarships to cover a full year of tuition and board in an American College.

Dermot was extremely popular with his colleagues. For some time, he shared an office with fellow Education Senior Lecturer, Denise McKee. Denise reflects on Dermot's contribution to College life:

"Dermot had many gifts, he was a talented and professional teacher and lecturer, an excellent communicator, was well versed in world affairs and very knowledgeable on a wide range of topics, both within and outside the realms of education. However, his greatest gift was his basic humanity and this formed the backbone of how he interacted with everyone. From this humanity sprung a genuine warmth, friendliness and true empathy towards others. Working closely with Dermot was an education in how to be at ease with people. He had a common touch which gained him the respect of all the members of St Mary’s community and his 'down to earth' manner and reassuring words often provided support to staff and students alike. His approachability ensured that students felt they could seek his advice and he showed great patience in how he managed the problems they presented, very often lightening a student's load with a well-placed word of encouragement. He is remembered with great fondness and those who knew him on a personal level recall his kind-heartedness, friendship, thoughtfulness and tremendous sense of humour."

Another colleague and friend, Paul Anthony, had this to say about the sad news:

"Dermot was initially a school friend, then a university friend and also in later years, a colleague at St Mary’s. We worked closely in the International Office. He was highly able and totally committed to the mission of St Mary’s in the wider world. While his international interests were mainly in the USA and mine in Europe, we were able to come together abroad on more than one occasion. One of these was the yearly 'Association Comenius' meeting in Klingenthal, France where Dermot often entertained colleagues after the day's work with his fine singing voice. When I retired from College, he kept in touch with me and he always shared a genuine interest in what I was doing on the times we met. Dermot personified the 'gentle' in gentleman and he will be missed by all those who knew him."

Dermot's line manager was Dr Martin Hagan, who commented:

"Dermot was a great friend and an excellent colleague to all of us who worked with him. He was always supportive and engaged with great humour in his usual 'no fuss' manner which was to the benefit of us all. Dermot was also highly respected by his students, all of whom gained from his insight and wealth of experience. There is no doubt that Dermot will be sadly missed by his family and warmly remembered by his friends and colleagues here in St Mary’s."

Dermot will be sadly missed by the whole community at St Mary’s and by his many friends both in Ireland and further afield. May his noble and generous soul rest in peace.


Dermot McCartan RIP


Dermot McCartan RIP