The Queen’s University Educational Enhancement Process (EEP) review took place in the College on 03 and 04 December 2014.
In preparation for this the College produced a reflective statement which was circulated to the Review Panel four weeks before the visit. During the visit the panel met with staff, students and employers. The panel also considered documentation provided by the College, which included minutes, external examiners’ reports and programme specifications.

In its report on the EEP review of College provision, the panel concluded that staff had made valuable contributions in producing excellent students, obtaining positive employer support and providing an excellent product for the market. Additionally student representatives had expressed high satisfaction in pastoral care and standards of educational provision afforded.
The panel identified a number of areas of good practice through their meetings with staff, students and employers. The College was commended on achieving its place as the top specialist institution in the Guardian league tables.
Other commendations were noted as follows:
- The College has a distinctive ethos which promotes collegiality amongst staff and students;
- There are clear visual presentations of programme specifications displayed in the College;
- Facilities include well equipped rooms for learning and teaching;
- A Writing Centre which provides students with an excellent resource;
- A Careers Programme that is both realistic in the current climate and beneficial to the student group;
- A student induction which is perceived to be a very positive experience and appreciated by students;
- Support staff were very beneficial to the student learning experience;
- The opportunity to take the Certificate in Religious Education embedded within initial teacher education programmes. This provided an attractive option for potential students;
- Publication and dissemination of the summary of External Examiners Reports;
- Aspiration towards research and the use of Capstone project to promote this;
- Developments in the Liberal Arts in extending study options and focus on skills set;
- The role and organisation of work placements in preparing students for their career path. Positive comments from employers
- The variety of assessment.