Welcome to the homepage of the St Mary’s Global Dimension in Education Project. This three-year project was funded through the Development Awareness Fund of the Department for International Development (DFID).
The global dimension is now a core element in the revised Northern Ireland curriculum forming an integral part of compulsory provision. It is placed in a more general drive to engage innovatively with some of the most challenging questions our society is dealing with today, regarding conflict and peace, poverty and excess wealth, interdependence and dependence and human rights. In this volatile geo-political environment the need to understand and appreciate the changes that are occurring has become ever important.
The aim of this initiative was to prepare teachers to implement this aspect of the curriculum effectively and has subsequently integrated the global dimension across the College community.
As part of the Project a guide entitled 'The Global Dimension in Initial Teacher Education' was created to assist those involved in embedding global dimension concepts into teacher education programmes. It features various aspects of the Project including college-wide activities, local and global links, development of undergraduate and postgraduate level courses and the certification process. It shares the College's experience of how to incorporate values and attitudes related to social justice, diversity, interdependence, global citizenship, sustainable development and conflict resolution into teaching and learning in the classroom. The Guide can be downloaded at:
Research was carried out as part of the Project on values and attitudes towards the global dimension in primary, post primary as well as initial teacher education. Surveys and focus groups with students and pupils have revealed current levels of knowledge about the global dimension in education, opinions about its content and opinions about the most appropriate ways it can form part of the curriculum in Northern Ireland. A summary report can be downloaded at:
Global Dimension Research Summary
The global dimension on line course developed to support St Mary’s students wishing to gain certification in the global dimension contains a variety of useful links, resources and support materials and may be of use to those wishing to find out more about the global dimension.
For further information on the rationale
and objectives of the GDE project, download the following documents:
project flyer and GDE
project poster. You will need to have Adobe Acrobat installed
on your computer to view these documents.
Issues One, Two and Three of our Newsletter "Going Global" are available below for download:
Issue 1
Issue 2
Newsletter Issue 3
The Global Dimension Resource Centre is located in an annexe within the Professional Studies Workshop for materials relevant to this subject. The Centre for Global Education based at 9 University Street is a partner in this project and has the largest collection of educational resources relevant to the Global Dimension in Northern Ireland. St Mary’s students can access the material free of charge. Consult their website by clicking here.
Within the complex of the project there are also a number of other initiatives which aim to enhance the global links of the College and the isssues relevant to global justice. These include the British Council Managed and NIDEL sponsored University of Zambia - St Mary’s University College Belfast, EPA project on business skills, and the SCoTENS supported St Patrick's College Drumcondra Dublin - St Mary’s University College Belfast, North South initiative on promoting global justice.

Dr Gerard McCann, St Mary’s University College Belfast with Lt. Col. Anthony Sapuleni of the Zambian Army on a site visit in Lusaka

Our partner institution, the University of Zambia in Lusaka, Zambia

St Mary’s University College Belfast Staff and Students on a visit to Kibera Compound in Kenya
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