
St Mary’s University College will:


  • Facilitate placement  of students

Students nominate several schools that they would like to be placed in at the coming academic year.

  • Co-ordinate the supervision of students.  Students will be assigned two tutors as well as an RE tutor who will visit them in their host school.
  • Ensure that students teachers are adequately prepared for interacting with teachers and pupils in a school setting.
  • Provide clear guidance as to the expected conduct of student teachers on School Experience.
  • Organise visits to partner schools by  college tutors
  • Provide support for student teachers
  • Provide support for partner schools
  • Arrange additional visits to the school where there are concerns about  the progress of a student.
  • Undertake a Quality Assurance role

The College Tutor will:

  • Plan and agree visits by contacting the schools and arranging a suitable date and time.
  • Observe a student teaching and review their preparation for teaching.
  • Provide constructive feedback to students highlighting both strengths and areas for development.
  • Consult with class teacher regarding overall student performance.  College tutors are very aware that they are only seeing a snapshot of the work that students are doing.  Talking with the class teacher allows them to get a much fuller picture of the students’ commitment, attitude and professionalism.
  • Agree action for progress in discussion with the student, teacher and teacher tutor as appropriate.
  • Provide additional visits to the school where there are concerns about  the progress of a student.