
The English Department at St Mary’s provides BEd and BA students with opportunities to read, appreciate and critically evaluate writing and literature from a range of historical and cultural contexts. Emphasis is placed on the importance for all students to develop an informed love of literature and an independent spirit in pursuing their own learning.

The first year module introduces students to the history of western literature and ideas from the ancient world up to Milton. The great authors of the 19th century are the focus of year two. In third year, twentieth century literature is the focus, with special emphasis placed on Anglo-Irish literature.

As part of the BEd degree, subject application classes are integrated with literary studies, giving students both a practical and a theoretical basis for understanding how best to carry their passion for language and literature into the classroom at both the primary and secondary levels.

'Knowledge about Language' is the title of another strand of study in which all English students are introduced to aspects of language, rhetoric and grammar. The aim of these sessions is to ensure that students have a knowledgeable approach to their use of language in both academic and professional contexts.

The English Society, which is run entirely by students, organises extra-curricular literary events and social outings for students in the department.

Alumni Questionnaire for St Mary’s English Department

Associated Staff