Student Volunteering

13 May 2013

In the first semester of this academic year, the College’s Volunteer Reading Tutor Programme (VRTP) successfully took place again. A total of one hundred and eight student teachers volunteered to work with low progress readers in fifty-two schools across the Nursery, Primary, Post-primary, Special, Hospital School and Irish-Medium sectors. Students in BEd 2-4 freely gave up to two hours of their time per week for a maximum of nine weeks in order to assist children and young adults who struggle with the demands of reading. A number of students have, at the request of their host schools, continued the partnership until the end of the academic year.

A further development this year has been requests from students to volunteer in schools located in their local area, especially if they are travelling to college rather than living in Belfast. In addition to this, school principals and teachers are contacting the College, asking to be included on the programme. Schools and students alike fully endorsed the programme and this is evidenced by the very positive feedback which has been received. It is heartening to learn that schools are pinpointing the student teachers as being a most valuable resource. Their use of initiative and willingness to work alongside school staff has been flagged up as particular strengths.

In recognition of their work, the students were awarded Certificates of Achievement. Some also opted to write a reflective piece on their experience, thereby gaining credit toward the College’s Social Entrepreneurial Learning Certificate.

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