Educational Disadvantage

28 March 2014

St Mary’s was the venue for a conference held on Friday, 28 March, concerned with strategies to address educational disadvantage in West Belfast.

The conference was organised by the West Belfast Partnership Board (WBPB). The speakers (pictured above) included Geraldine McAteer, Jennifer McCann, Terry Murphy, Tony Gallagher, Angela Mervyn and Paul Maskey.

Tom Armstrong (CBS), Angela Mervyn (WBPB), Bernie Mooney (BELB) and
Paddy Shelvin (ETI).

Raymond Hunter (John Paul II Primary School), Brenda Shearer, Deborah Frost
and Andrena Murray (all from Department of Education)

Geraldine McAteer (WBPB), Richard O'Rawe (Stellar Leadership),
Jennifer McCann (
Junior Minister), Tony Gallagher (QUB) and Terry Murphy (CCMS).

The Irish News also covered the event.

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