Images of Citizenship

7 August 2014

Erasmus Intensive Programme - “Images of Citizenship”
Leeuwarden, July 2014

The “Images of Citizenship” Erasmus Intensive Programme was held in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands, from 23 June to 7 July 2014. This two-week event, entitled “Exploring the Application of Intercultural Dialogue as Global Citizens in a Changing World”, looked at how different cultural and educational groups reflect on citizenship in the European Union.

There were thirty successful students from six participating European and United States universities, as well as fifteen international academics, taking part in the programme. Participating institutions included University of Western Macedonia, Greece; HUB-KAHO, Belgium; NHL University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands and St Mary’s University College, Belfast.

The event was immensely successful, bringing together students, academics and specialists in the field of citizenship education. The programme was the culmination of years of collaboration between the various participating institutions and brought forward the important contribution that transnational partnerships in higher education across the European Union make to the achievement of academic advancement.

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