Irish-Medium CPD

19 February 2016

The following Irish-medium modules will run at St Mary's from
24 - 26 February 2016
(9:00 am - 3:30 pm).

An Fhoghlaim a Chur Chun Cinn i Suíomhanna Luathbhlianta Lán-Ghaeilge /
Promoting Learning in Early Years Irish-Medium Settings

Oideolaíochtaí na Gaelscolaíochta agus Inniúlacht Teanga don Mhúinteoir Iar-Bhunscoile in Earnáil na Gaeilge / Irish-Medium Pedagogies and Language Proficiency for the Post-Primary Irish-Medium Teacher

Applications forms can be downloaded or obtained from the Academic Registry.

For further information on St Mary's provision for the professional development of Irish-medium teachers please contact Eibhlín Mhic Aoidh.

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