Volunteer Reading Tutor Programme

16 June 2016

In the autumn term of 2015, the College’s Volunteer Reading Tutor Programme (VRTP) successfully took place again. A total of 105 students volunteered to work with low-progress readers in forty-eight schools across the nursery, primary, post-primary, special, hospital school and Irish-medium sectors within the greater Belfast area and beyond. This year, we welcomed, for the first time, a tertiary education provider, namely, Belfast Metropolitan College. In addition, we had a number of schools from the maintained, controlled and integrated sectors becoming involved for the first time.

Students in BEd 2 through BEd 4 freely gave up to two hours of their time per week for a maximum of nine weeks to assist those children and young adults who struggle with the demands of reading. As a consequence of such positive partnerships, some students have, at the request of their host schools, continued their service until the end of the academic year. Indeed, some schools have kindly agreed to facilitate some of their final-year student volunteers in conducting their college-based dissertation work.

Schools and students alike have fully endorsed the programme, and this is evidenced by extremely positive feedback. It is gratifying to hear that schools are pinpointing the students themselves as being the most valuable resources on this programme. Their use of initiative and their willingness to work with school staff have been flagged as particular strengths. In recognition of this work, all of the students have been awarded Certificates of Achievement. In addition, final- year students will have the opportunity to write a short reflective piece on this experience, thus gaining credit toward their Social Entrepreneurial Learning Certificate, which is a cross-disciplinary programme in the College.

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