Research in Technology Education

25 March 2019

Dr Kieran McGeown, a senior lecturer in Technology & Design at St Mary's University College, had his research published in a book, Explorations in Technology Education Research: Helping Teachers Develop Research Informed Practice, edited by John P Williams and David Barlex, which was published by Springer in 2019.

The book collated chapters on significant international research in technology education by focusing on contemporary postgraduate research. It elaborated on the research findings and aimed to make the content relevant to researchers, teachers and other potential researchers in the field of technology education. The book highlighted what research means for classroom teachers through understanding different motivations for teaching technology in schools and observing the model of learning supported by research.

Dr Kieran McGeown’s chapter is titled Secondary Pupils’ Perceptions of
Their Experiences of Practical Work in Technology and Design

Kieran’s chapter investigated the perceptions held by pupils, across four Northern Ireland secondary schools, towards routine school-based practical work activities and project work in Technology & Design and also that which had been contextualized within an industrial setting. The views of the Heads of Departments of each school and four local industrialists were also probed in relation to their views on the benefits or otherwise of both types of practical work.

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