Tuesday, 4 June was a day for celebration in St Mary’s University College, bringing the very popular Scríobh Leabhar competition to a close for 2019.
Over 100 pupils from Irish-medium schools, along with some parents and members of the Irish-language community were present. The children came from as far away as Derry to Kilkeel, and all parts in between. The well-known writer, Máire Zepf, presented the medals to the winners. In total, 1,300 children took part in the competition to write a book. As part of the day’s events, Máire Zepf made a presentation in which she explained some of the things which inspired her to be a writer.
Bhí lá mór ceiliúrtha i gColáiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire ar an 4ú
Meitheamh, le críoch a chur le scéim Scríobh Leabhar na bliana seo. Bhí
thar 100 páiste, mar aon le slua mór de thuismitheoirí agus pobal na
Gaeilge i láthair. Tháinig Gaelscoileanna ó gach cearn, ó Dhoire go dtí
Cill Chaoil agus gach áit eatarthu. Ba í an scríbhneoir aitheanta, Máire
Zepf, a bhronn na boinn ar na buaiteoirí. San iomlán, ghlac 1,300
páiste sa chomórtas le leabhar a scríobh. Mar chuid den ócáid, rinne
Máire Zepf cur i láthair ar na rudaí is mó a spreag í le bheith ina