News Archive

Gaeltacht Quarter

8 December 2017
Cothaigh 2017...

Diversity in the Workplace

30 November 2017
A group from St Mary's participated recently in the 2017 Human Resource Management international conference in the Netherlands....


10 October 2017
AWARE support group sessions held at St Mary's on alternative Thursdays....

eLearning For Irish-Medium Schools

4 December 2017
St Mary's hosted an Irish-Medium eLearning Conference on Wednesday, 29 November 2017....

Ecumenical Visit

1 December 2017
Second year Religious Studies students on a recent ecumenical visit....

Young News Readers

19 December 2017
St Mary's is pleased to join with the Irish News and the CBI in promoting Young News Readers....

Christmas Carol Service

11 December 2017
The annual Christmas Carol Service will be held in the College Chapel at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, 13 December 2017....

Business Students Welcome Invest NI

20 November 2017
Invest NI give their expertise to St Mary's students....

For current news items see Latest News section.