Falls Road Campus

The original building, the first teacher training college in Belfast, was designed by John O'Shea and E J Byrne and opened in 1900. That building, which can still be readily identified today, was a fashionable mixture of several historical styles.

In 1958, to accommodate steadily growing numbers, a new wing containing several large lecture theatres, an assembly hall, a gymnasium and art and science rooms was opened.

In 1973 a further extension was completed comprising a language laboratory, tutorial and seminar rooms, a home economics unit, a dining hall, modern kitchens and a staff conference room.

From 1994 to 1996, a major programme of building and refurbishment was undertaken. The College now has a new library, Learning Resource Centre, Science Department, Technology and Design Department and Physical Education Centre. In addition, the existing buildings have been refurbished to the highest standard.