Outcome of the 2017-2018 EEP Event


The Queen’s University Periodic Review and Enhancement Process (PREP) review took place in the College between 27 and 29 November 2017.


In preparation for this the College produced a reflective statement which was circulated to the Review Panel four weeks before the visit. During the visit the panel met with staff, students and employers. The panel also considered documentation provided by the College, which included minutes, External Examiners’ reports and programme specifications.


Image of students Image of students


In its report on the PREP review of College provision, the panel concluded that the University College, in a challenging environment, manages academic standards appropriately, manages and provides a high-quality learning environment and endeavours to facilitate quality enhancement. The Panel found that the structure and standard of the programmes offered by the College were of high quality and compare favourably with similar or equivalent degree programmes offered at other universities.  Students are given appropriate experience enabling them to perform to the best of their ability while studying both theory and practice.


The Panel recommended continued University approval for all programmes in the University College.


The Panel identified the following examples of good practice in the University College:

  1. The College approach to internationalisation through schemes such as the Erasmus Partnership, providing support for incoming international students as well as  recognising the varying needs of students wishing to engage in study abroad opportunities.
  2. High levels of both formal and informal communication between staff and students, supported by staff accessibility.
  3. A strong, research-led dimension to pedagogy, curriculum and assessment in a non-research intensive institution.
  4. The significant links with the local community forging opportunities for staff and student involvement in initiatives with schools and organisations in the surrounding area.
  5. The establishment of strong and genuine partnerships and relationships with employers across NI in both the public and private sector.
  6. The exceptional holistic support for students taking account of the financial and wellbeing challenges experienced by some students in addition to more general academic support requirements.
  7. The exceptional levels of student satisfaction from current students and alumni.
  8. The considerable contribution to addressing the imbalance of males in primary ITE in Northern Ireland.
  9. The encouragement and provision of support, including financial assistance to staff, for continued professional development, particularly in relation to engagement with doctoral level degrees.