Institutional Plan

St Mary’s University College faces the third decade of the twenty-first century with an Institutional Plan for 2021-2024, Strategy 21, which sets out an 'Agenda for Sustainability' in a period of uncertainty at the regional, national and international levels. The University College's strategic future starts, however, from a strong foundation which owes its origin to the wisdom and commitment of the Dominican Sisters as well as the Diocese of Down and Connor. Over the years, St Mary’s has attained a reputation, both at home and abroad, for the excellence of its teacher education and liberal arts degree programmes and the pastoral care it provides for students. It has a highly relevant Mission Statement for the 21st century, adopted by the Board of Governors in 2011, which is emphatic in its fidelity to the founding traditions. St Mary’s, with numerous other third-level Catholic institutions across the globe, continues the great challenge of conjoining reason and religious faith, knowledge and the probing of the ultimate mystery of existence, life and hope – explorations of vital importance today for the future of the human family.

Strategy 21 - Agenda for Sustainability