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About the Project

Title Intercultural Dialogue & Linguistic Diversity via MobLang
Project Framework Lifelong Learning Programme / Transversal Programme / Key Activity 2: Languages (European Commission, EACEA)
Project Start 01/12/2009
Project Duration 24 months
Partner Countries CY, EL, ES, UK
Project Summary Language barriers between individuals of different ethnic groups living in the same country, or Europeans visiting other countries for business or pleasure, hinder natural interaction. Communication in a foreign language can hold back the development of friendships and closer relationships, thus preventing fruitful intercultural exchange and dialogue. Basic language knowledge of one’s conversational partner is usually appreciated and creates a comforting atmosphere. Today’s Europeans are too busy to attend a language class. Exploiting technology and especially the recently emerging developments in mobile learning could offer a viable alternative. Mobile phones are optimal learning tools that could enable people to learn any time, anywhere, and at their one own pace, even during leisure time.
The proposed project applies Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) to support minority and/or less-frequently used and less-taught European languages (LWULT). The aim is to promote intercultural dialogue especially in former European conflict regions or regions with many minority groups through promotion of linguistic diversity. The focus is in Cyprus (Turkish), the Basque country (Basque), Northern Ireland (Gaelic), and within as well as around Greece (Albanian, Turkish). The project will develop the open-source mobile learning environment 'MobLang' in which users can design and publish their own prototype micro language courses. User specific micro courses will be embedded in a social and cultural context, which will include activities such as lectures, exercises, games, quizzes, as well as access to a live tutor. Throughout the life of the project and beyond, MobLang will be designed, developed, published, and disseminated to children/pupils, teachers, parents, students, business people, travellers, and individuals who want to build strong and long-lasting friendships and relationships with individuals from an ethnic minority group.



  • To promote language learning and linguistic diversity
  • To reinforce dialogue between cultures within the same country as well as across Europe through the acquisition of basic conversational language skills
  • To improve learners' basic language competence, thus the individuals' competitiveness
  • To increase contact among ethnicities in the participating countries
  • To promote European cooperation by bringing together a group of various types of organisations


The project was managed and coordinated by Cyprus Neuroscience & Technology Institute, under the New Media Lab. Partners of the Project are University of Cyprus, Elhuyar Foundation, Luzia Research, St Mary's University College, ANTIGONE, DROMOS.


Cyprus Neuroscience & Technology Institute (CNTI) - Cyprus
5 Promitheos
1065 Nicosia
Fax +357 22873821
Internet www.cnti.org.cy
Contact Person Tatjana Taraszow
Email tatjana(at)cnti.org.cy
  CNTI's scope of projects involves the application of technology towards social transformation as well as bridging literacy, economic and digital divides. It is a supporter of IT education, scientific research and peace in the three continents around Cyprus. Moreover, CNTI aims at the sensitization, enlightenment and development of an active civil society in Cyprus. The organization implements the following related projects: 3 projects on Safer Internet, 2 research projects focusing on Web 2.0/Web 3.0 tools, a research project developing a multimedia learning environment. CNTI has extensive experience in coordinating, conducting, and supervising projects, trainings, conferences, and workshops beyond national boundaries with the use of modern technology for education. Its competencies are development of new educational models based on cognitive science and computing, world-wide operations focused on international development, and enhancement of inter-ethnic and international peace.
  Presentation of the Organisation


University of Cyprus Language Centre - Cyprus
29 Kallipoleos
P.O. Box 20537
1678 Nicosia
Phone +357 22892901
Fax +357 22342118
Internet www.hum.ucy.ac.cy/LGC
Contact Person Yiola Papadopoulou
Email papadopoulou.yiola(at)ucy.ac.cy
  Presentation of the Organisation


Elhuyar Foundation - Spain
Zelai Haundi kalea 3
Osinalde industrialdea
20170 Usurbil
Phone +349 43363040
Fax +349 43363144
Internet www.elhuyar.org
Contact Person Josu Waliño
Email j.walino(at)elhuyar.com
  Elhuyar was created in 1972 aimed to join science and the Basque language. Later its activity extended to the normalisation of the status and corpus of the Basque language. In 2002, Elhuyar gave an important step forward founding Elhuyar Foundation.The main objectives of the Foundation are:
To collaborate and promote the social normalisation of the Basque language and, with that aim, to promote and apply research and development activities;
To stimulate, promote and collaborate in the integration of Science and Technology in society;
To spread and report, in the Basque Country, as well as beyond it, the development of the scientific and technological research done in the Basque Country;
To promote the relationships between the education system and the science and technology system through publications, conferences, meetings, seminars, etc.
Our working team is formed by 110 professionals of the areas of language specialists, scientific knowledge spreading and educational publications.
  Presentation of the Organisation





Luzia Research - UK
Wenhaston House
St Peters Road
Upwell 75
PE14 9EJ
Phone +44 870 3500 882
Internet http://luziaresearch.com
Contact Person Alastrir Briggs
Email al.briggs(at)luziaresearch.com
  Luzia Research is specialized on educational software for mobile phones. It is creating own products and working with research institutions on projects to expand the use of mobile phones in education. One of its products is getawayphrases, software for mobile phone to help learn a language for holidays. Different level games and other activities cover all basic words and phrases to be needed, such as greetings, numbers, and directions. It also teaches basic phrases for use for restaurants, shops, hotels, transport, emergencies.
  Presentation of the Organisation


St Mary's University College - UK
191 Falls Road
BT12 6FE
N. Ireland
Phone +44 28 9032 7678
Fax +44 28 9033 3719
Internet www.stmarys-belfast.ac.uk
Contact Person Gerard McCann
Email g.mccann(at)stmarys-belfast.ac.uk
  St Mary's University College is proud of our reputation as a friendly, welcoming place where staff and students work together and know each other as individuals. In addition to the student teachers who have been the core of St Mary for the past 100 years, our BA (Liberal Arts) programme has brought new students with new career ambitions and interests to give a new dimension to life in the College.
European Studies Department: "Europe" is a multi-dimensional concept that means many different things and covers a number of academic fields. This cross-disciplinary subject enables students to explore various political, cultural and economic concepts and consider them as contexts for future engagement. Students will examine Europe as a political and economic context, and as a cultural space. By doing so they will be developing the life-skills for living and working in a continent marked by great diversity yet increasing unity.
  Presentation of the Organisation


Information & Documentation Centre on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non Violence
Filippou 51
Phone +30 2310 285 688
Fax +30 2310 222 503
Internet www.antigone.gr
Contact Person Pavlina Lazaridou
Email pavlina.lazaridou(at)antigone.gr
  ANTIGONE is the Greek national partner for the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights. It has a close cooperation with several institutes and organisations aiming at combating discrimination. Throughout the last five years, in in order to feed the database of the EUMC with reliable data, ANTIGONE has developed much theoretical and practical experience in the crucial field of data collection. ANTIGONE has a long experience of project management, has a long lasting relationship with the European Union, has participated in numerous trainings of youth programmes and has a very close relationship and cooperation with the Pedagogic Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. ANTIGONE's experts have experience on the field from their involvement on previous projects concerning educational matters, as well as their engagement in multicultural environment, in discrimination issues, in minority group matters and projects where new technologies and approaches have been used.
  Presentation of the Organisation


Group of Immigrants and Refugees - Greece
Baltadorou Str. 7
54631 Thessaloniki
Phone +30 2310 275493
Contact Person Vasiliki Slavidou
Email vadimoula(at)yahoo.gr
  DROMOS is a NGO established in 2008 in Thessaloniki.
DROMOS is a migrant based organized group of people acting for the better living of them in the city of Thessaloniki. Since its formulation, its base has been a vivid meeting place for migrants, refugees and natives. Numerous live music events have been organized, mainly on traditional and eastern sounds, but also music from all around the world. Moreover, it is a social open place every day for every person to read a book, drink a tea/coffee, or discuss. Individuals offer books in many languages, so small library has been formed. But the most important of all, are the 8 free courses of the Greek language. Teachers and university students offer their services to migrants and refugees that are willing to learn the Greek language and plan to live in Greece. Moreover, migrants and refugees offer free courses to natives to learn Turkish and Albanian among others. All activities are organized and carried out by migrants and refugee.
  Presentation of the Organisation