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Staff Mobility

08 April 2008

The following staff have just recently completed or are about to undertake periods of mobility to partner and other institutions.

Paul Anthony: a preparatory visit to the University of Teacher Education in Zurich

Arthur Rice: a pastoral visit and attendance at a conference in Llubljana

Catherine Quinn: a pastoral and quality assurance visit to the University of Barcelona

Peter Collins: a teaching assignment in Arteveldehogeschool, Gent

Angela Vaupel: a pastoral visit to University College Leeuwarden

Gerard McCann: attendance at a conference in Kosice

Deirdre Loughran, Paul Anthony and Catherine Quinn: attendance at the ETEN conference in Liverpool

Dermot McCartan and students from St Mary's: visit to Loyola University, Rome, to participate in a project on education and disadvantage

Kieran McGeown and Tom Patton: LA and Careers visit to St Anselm College, New Hampshire, USA

Peter Finn: attendance at ERACON conference, Lisbon, Portugal.

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