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Fusion Education: Connecting Cultures

19 May 2009

The International Office is pleased to announce its third annual International Week to be held March 22nd 2010. It is primarily aimed at staff and students in teacher education but it will also attract others from different disciplines. At this stage, I am calling for staff from partner institutions who will be prepared to contribute to lectures, seminars, practical workshops, etc, in the following areas: the global dimension and internationalisation, multiculturalism, comparative educational systems, bilingualism, general subject pedagogy. The student body will be the International Class who will be studying at St. Mary's at this time but other students are welcome to attend. As has been the case with our previous International Weeks, it is hoped that the student participants (and indeed staff) will see how different cultures shape our perceptions, expectations and ways of acting in personal and professional life. In addition to the taught sessions, there will be our usual lively social and cultural programme including Irish Traditional Music sessions, the International Quiz and Food Night, the Historic Tour of Belfast, a visit to the geologically renowned Giant's Causeway and St. Mary's own version of Eurovision.

Delegates to date include colleagues from USA, Belgium, Germany, Ireland, England, Austria and Belgium.

To register interest or for further information, please contact the organiser at p.anthony@smucb.ac.uk.

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