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Insight into the BEd Post-Primary

29 November 2018

St Mary’s hosted an information evening recently for applicants and potential applicants of the BEd (Hons) Post-primary degree. The evening began with refreshments in the Student Centre. This was followed by a welcome from the College Principal, Professor Peter Finn, who spoke about the demands of the BEd (Hons) Post-primary degree course and the reasons why applicants might consider pursuing a career in secondary school teaching at home or abroad. Then, Education Programme Director, Martin Hagan, and School Experience Coordinator, Claire Connolly, outlined the BEd programme for the visitors and explained the importance and the demands of School Experience.

Following the main presentations, there was a chance for students and their parents to visit subject departments to meet lecturers, current St Mary’s students and St Mary’s graduates. This was a perfect opportunity to ask any questions they had about the course and to find out a little about student life. The evening closed with a tour of campus facilities led by St Mary’s student ambassadors.

Students and their parents/guardians hear more about the BEd (Hons) degree with Business Studies

Students and their parents/guardians ‘experiment’ in the Mathematics & Science department

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