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Irish-medium Principals’ Forum

17 February 2020

St Mary’s University College Belfast was host to the Irish-medium (IM) Principals’ Forum recently with thirty principals and IM unit leaders in attendance. The Forum, facilitated by Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta, meets every term and provides Teacher Professional Learning (TPL) for IM principals and unit leaders, as well as the opportunity to engage with colleagues in the sector to discuss and address issues in Irish-medium education.

Those attending availed of an excellent TPL opportunity provided by Joanna Brown from Health and Social Care Northern Ireland (HSCNI). Joanna facilitated training on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), a difficult but important issue to consider in our classrooms. On behalf of the Forum, we would like to thank Joanna for her informative presentation and invaluable insight into such an important aspect of our pupils’ lives.

In addition to this training, attendees came together to discuss current issues facing Irish-medium education providers. Coincidentally, the launch of Taighde agus Teagasc 7 also took place in St Mary’s on the same day, and this provided a fitting extension to the day’s events with attendees finishing the day at the launch of this new collection of research in Irish-medium educational settings.

On behalf of the IM Principals’ Forum, Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta would like to thank St Mary’s University College for hosting this event, for the use of their fantastic facilities and for the attention to detail that was afforded on the day.

Bhí Fóram na bPríomhoidí ar siúl i gColáiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire le déanaí agus 30 príomhoidí agus Ceannairí Aonaid i láthair aige. Éascaithe ag Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta, tagann an Fóram le chéile gach téarma. Cuirtear deiseanna Forbairt Ghairmiúil Múinteoirí ar fáil do Phríomhoidí Gaelscolaíochta agus Ceannairí na n-Aonad Ghaeilge chomh maith le deis theacht le chéile le comhghleacaithe san earnáil agus saincheisteanna an Ghaeloideachais a phlé.

Bhain iad siúd a bhí i láthair tairbhe as deis iontach TPL ó Joanna Brown ón HSCNI. Thug Joanna traenáil ar ‘Adverse Childhood Experiences’ (ACEs), ábhar trom ach tábhachtach. Ar son an Fhóraim, ba mhaith linn ár mbuíochas a ghabháil le Joanna as an chur i láthair faisnéiseach agus an léargas luachmhar a thug sí ar shaincheist i saol na ndaoine óga faoinár gcúram.

Ar a bharr seo, tháinig an Fóram le chéile le saincheisteanna an Ghaeloideachais a phlé. Tharla go raibh seoladh Taighde agus Teagasc 7 ar siúl an lá céanna i gColáiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire agus thug seo deis fhéiliúnach don lucht freastail an lá a chríochnú ag seoladh nua taighde ar an Ghaeloideachas.

Ar son Fhóram na bPríomhoidí, ba mhór le Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta buíochas a ghabháil le Coláiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire as an lá seo a óstáil, as a n-áiseanna iontacha a roinnt linn agus as a gcuid aire ar an lá.

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