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ERASMUS Conference, London

24 November 2006

Sheila Rooney (BEd 3) recently attended a Socrates Erasmus conference hosted in Wolburn House in London. Here, she had the opportunity to meet previous Erasmus students from the rest of the UK and contribute to an evaluation of the Erasmus process. The main focus of the day was to make suggestions as to how future students' experience could be improved and what steps could be taken to boost the dwindling numbers of outgoing students from the UK. At the end of the day she was fortunate enough to be elected as one of the members of the UK Erasmus Student council, so over the next year she will be doing her best to pass on suggestions and work in conjunction with the Erasmus council and St. Mary's to implement as many of them as possible in order to improve the experiences of our own outgoing students and to continue to build on St. Mary's impressive reputation as one of the top institutions in Britain for Erasmus mobility.

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