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International Office News Archive

Visit to the Lord Mayor

18 November 2008
As part of their cultural programme in St. Mary's, the International Students will be making a visit to the Lord Mayor of Belfast...

"European Children - European Teachers: a sharing of ideas and practice"

12 November 2008
The College is pleased to announce its annual International Week to be held March 30th - April 3rd 2009...

American Students Attend Launch of British Council Web Site

21 October 2008
Thursday 23rd October sees the launch of the British Council/Department for Employment and Learning website ...

UK ERASMUS Student Committee

02 October 2008
Two ex ERASMUS students, Sarah Gillen (Huelva, Spain) and Clare Coyle (Leeuwarden, the Netherlands),...

College Receives Extended University Charter

26 May 2008
The International Office is pleased to announce that it has been awarded the Extended University Charter ...

Conference In Huelva

20 February 2008
Dr Peter McPolin from the Department of Mathematics and ICT will attend a Conference in Heulva...

International Student Festival

01 February 2008
Inward International Students and prospective outward International Students are urged to look at the posters in College ...

International Week

14 January 2008
The College is pleased to announce that its International Week ...

For current International Office News see International Office News section.