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International Office News Archive

College has new international partnership with University of Mississippi

16 March 2007
The College has confirmed its links with its latest international partner namely the University of Mississippi at Oxford, USA....

St Mary's Welcomes Belgian Visitors

14 March 2007
The College is pleased to welcome Leo Vandael and Tinne Auwerkerken from Karel de GroteHogeschool, Antwerp, Belgium, on a "preferred partners" visit....

Millersville University Link Cemented

13 March 2007
Paul Anthony has just returned from Millersville University where he formalised the link between the two institutions....

Teaching English as a Foreign Language

13 February 2007
The College welcomes Ms. Kaine Gulozer from Abant Izzel University, Bolu Turkey, who is here to work with inward ERASMUS students preparing them for the preliminary certificate in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language....

University of Mississippi

01 February 2007
The International Office is pleased to welcome Raney Mills Turner, Tim Angle and Ruth Maron from the University of Mississippi who are here today to explore bilateral cooperation between the two institutions....

College Commitment to the new Lifelong Learning Programme

31 January 2007
Peter Finn and Paul Anthony attended a meeting in the European Commission in Brussels on January 29th to explore the possibilities of further cooperation in the new EU funded Lifelong Learning Programme. ...

Staff Mobility

19 January 2007
The International Office is pleased to announce that a number of St. Mary's staff will be taking part in the Teacher Mobility Scheme under the auspices of Socrates-ERASMUS:...

Presentation of Certificates

17 January 2007
Last night, the European Outreach students from BA3, BEd3 and BEd4 attended a reception where they received their ERASMUS certificates....

For current International Office News see International Office News section.