
"The student teachers should be seen as active participants in the partnership. Their attitude, behaviour and commitment during school-based work are just as important to its success as are the activity and professionalism of the HEI and school staff. Student teachers are likely to derive most benefit from school-based work if they seek to ensure that good personal and professional relationships are established with all those with whom they work." (Teacher Education Partnership Handbook, 2010:41-42)



Teacher Education Partnership Handbook Information


  • They should regard the authority of the school principal as applying to them
    as much as to other members of the school staff;
  • On or before the first morning of a period of school-based work, they should
    arrange to meet the principal at a specified time;
  • Throughout the period of the placement they should remain in the school for
    the whole of every working day, unless there are circumstances which have
    been communicated to, and accepted by, the principal and HEI tutor;
  • They should conform to the conventions of dress and personal appearance
    which are observed by teachers in the school;
  • They should adopt patterns of writing and speaking that set pupils a good
    example, and that are appropriate for the teaching profession;
  • They should consult with the teacher-tutor or class teacher about such topics
    as schemes of work, teaching and learning resources, teaching aids,
    equipment, and discipline procedures;
  • They should remember that physical contact with pupils, for example,
    touching, pushing, pulling, tapping and prodding, might be perceived as
    constituting assault, and therefore any physical contact with pupils must be
  • They should make sure that, at the end of the period of school-based work,
    they have returned all books, keys, equipment or materials made available for
    their use by the school;
  • They should seek advice from the class teacher about their planning and
    preparation of their lessons, and comment on their teaching of the lessons.

(Teacher Education Partnership Handbook, 2010:42)


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