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Job Title(s)Senior Lecturer
Phone No.+44 (0) 28 9026 8354 
Internal Phone No.ext. 354 



Short Description

In the History Department I am engaged in developing, teaching and examining Curriculum Studies courses for BEd 1 and 2 in the curriculum area of “The World Around Us”. I co-teach a BEd 4 course on “Exploring Learning Inside and Outside the Classroom” bringing together the subjects of Geography and History. This encompasses instruction for Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 students. As part of these programmes, valuable links have been developed with various Educational Resource Centres. I also teach a first-year “Aspects of American History” course. I supervise BEd 4 Capstone Projects. Each year I am part of a team that conducts field courses in Dublin and Carlingford. I am a College counsellor and liaise with relevant staff on student issues.

Current Research

I completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Irish History in 2014. This included modules on Historiography; Research Methods; The Culture, Politics and Identity in Ireland; Historical Documents and Sources.
I was awarded an MSc in Education for International Development: Local and Global Citizenship in 2004. The degree focused on the following areas of study: research methods, effective learning and teaching, educational practice, conflict and diversity and education for sustainable development. Local and global citizenship themes were an integral part of the study.

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