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Job Title(s)Course Team Leader in Science
Senior Lecturer in Science
Advisor of Studies
Phone No.+44 (0) 28 9026 8291 
Internal Phone No.ext. 291 



Short Description

My current teaching duties and interests cover the following BEd undergraduate courses:

Main Science Courses

  • BEd 1 - MSC1011, MSC1022 Foundation Studies in Physical Sciences.

  • BEd 2 - MSC2011, MSC2023, MSC2081 Life Systems and Environment.

  • BEd 3 - MSC3033 Environmental Science: Systems and Solutions [Ecotoxicology],
    MSC3012 Perspectives in Ethology (co-supervise Independent Research Projects).

  • BEd 4 - Supervision of projects in Science and Science Curriculum.

Primary Curriculum Science Courses
  • BEd 1 - MSC 1022 examines best practice of teaching Science as part of the World Around Us in the NIC at both Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1.

  • BEd 2 - MSC 2024 examines best practice of teaching Science as part of the World Around Us in the NIC at Key Stage 2.

  • PGCE - (Irish Medium) examines best practice of teaching Science as part of the World Around Us in the NIC at both Foundation Stage and Key Stage 2.

  • Current Research

    I am a member of the STEAM Education Research Group at St Mary’s in which I am involved in the following research projects:

    • STING: STEM Teacher Training Innovation for Gender Balance.
      This is an Erasmus / European funded study involving collaboration with academics involved in ITE and professionals in Science centre’s / Science education in countries including Cyprus, Spain, the Netherlands, Sweden and Belgium.

    • The development of literacy within the context of Primary Science. I have presented work at AstraZeneca, ASE and ATSE on the “Progression of Scientific Terminology in Education” and the integration of “Science and Story: a Theory Building Strategy in the Early Years and Key Stage 1”.

    Other interests include the following:

    • Informing Early Years practice through behavioural observation.

    • Conceptual learning in Science.

    • I am very interested in how good strategic leadership can positively impact the learning and development of students/pupils.


    For scientific publications, search for Magee, C.

    College-wide duties include the following:

    • Advisor of Studies.

    • Member of the College Counselling Team.

    • Member of Student Services Committee.

    • PDP Tutor / Advisor for BEd Science Students.

    • Associated Member of Staff in the International Department.

    Professional Services and Societies

    Board of Governors St Dominic’s High School, Belfast. Governor responsible for child protection issues.

    Professional Societies:

    Association for Science Education – the Science Department regularly hosts the local annual ASE meetings.

    Institute of Biology.

    IASSEE – Irish Association for Social, Scientific and Environmental Education, which is a cross-border organisation.

    ESDF – Environment and Sustainable Development Forum (Higher Education Representative).

    CCEA – Council for Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment. Act in advisory capacity specifically on A-level and GCSE specifications for Biology, Human Biology and Health and Social Care.

    Community Outreach
    I engage in work with schools which involves Main Subject Science students volunteering in both local Primary and Post-primary Schools in the West Belfast Area Learning Community (WBALC) and the North Belfast Area Learning Community (NBALC).

    This work includes the development of homework clubs for Science and Numeracy/Maths and the opportunity for St Mary’s students to observe good practice in the classroom and to engage in co-teaching with these teachers. These activities have led to discussion and engagement with experienced colleagues and resulted in professional enrichment for both the ITE Science students and the teachers in these schools.

    Schools involved over the last few years have been as follows:

    St Dominic’s High School
    St Mary’s Grammar CBS
    St Genevieve’s
    De La Salle College
    St Teresa’s PS
    St Kevin’s PS
    St Peters PS
    St Josephs PS
    St Clare’s PS
    St Paul’s PS

    St Malachy’s
    Little Flower
    St Patrick’s College
    Our Lady’s PS
    Holy Family PS
    St Therese of Lisieux PS
    Our Lady of Lourdes (Park Lodge) PS
    St Mary’s on the Hill

    BEd 3 students also engage in an independent research project in local Nursery Schools in the WBALC to investigate child behavior.

    These include the following schools:

    Cathedral Nursery
    St Peter’s Nursery
    St Maria Goretti Nursery
    Matt Talbot Nursery

    Please use the Staff Directory if you wish to contact another member of staff.