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Job Title(s)Research Officer
Phone No.+44 (0) 28 9026 8257 
Internal Phone No.ext. 257 


Research Office

Short Description

As the Research Officer in the College the main areas of my work includes: responding to staff queries relating to research and research funding; providing advice and circulating information on research funding and opportunities for dissemination of research findings; assisting staff with planning methodology, research outlines and the associated costing of research bids; organising a central repository of information and documentation on research; maintaining databases relating to publications, research grant proposals and conference presentations; and designing the research section of the College’s website.

Current Research

My own personal research interests include young people’s attitudes, knowledge and practice of the concepts pertaining to the global dimension in education in formal education, suspensions & expulsions in schools, educational technology and E-learning, research ethics, teachers’ professional development and students’ school experience.

Recent selected publications include:

Knipe, D. and Ó Labhraí, J. (2005) The In-Service Training Experiences of Teachers in the Irish-Medium Sector in Northern Ireland, Journal of In-Service Education, Vol.31, No.1,pp191-210

Reynolds, M., Knipe,D. and Milner, S. (2004) The Global Dimension in Schools in Northern Ireland. Report to the Coalition of Aid and Development Agencies, Belfast

Reynolds, M., McCartan, D. and Knipe, D. (2003) Traveller culture and lifestyle as factors influencing children's integration into mainstream secondary schools in West Belfast. International Journal of Inclusive Education, Vol.7, No.4, pp403-414

Knipe, D. and Lee, M. (2002) The quality of teaching and learning via videoconferencing. British Journal of Educational Technology, Vol.33, No.3, pp301-311

Knipe, D., Leith, H., Gray, C., McKeown, E. and Carlisle, K. (2002) Betty the builder, Neil the nurse: sex-typing of occupations in primary schools. Report to the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland, Belfast. ISBN: 1-903941-17-2

Knipe, D., Reynolds, M. and Milner, S. (2007) Exclusion in Schools in Northern Ireland: the pupils’ voice, Research Papers in Education, Vol.22, No.4, pp.407-424

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