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Job Title(s)Widening Access and Participation Officer
Phone No.+44 (0) 28 9026 8250 
Internal Phone No.ext. 250 


Student Services

Short Description

The role of the Widening Access and Participation Officer is to undertake work to further develop and promote the College’s contribution to social inclusion through widening access and participation (WAP) in higher education and collaborate with other providers in doing so. The work will focus on recruiting and retaining students from underrepresented groups.

Main Roles:

  • Develop plans to facilitate widening access and participation and report to both the College and external agencies on their implementation as well as contribute to strategy and policy formation on WAP.
  • Organise activities and projects that will enable the recruitment and retention of students from underrepresented groups in the higher education sector, particularly students from disadvantaged communities and students with disabilities.
  • Contribute to the College’s mission of providing a high standard of educational support and a student-centred ethos.
  • Support Marketing and Communications as well as Student Guidance and Support at the College.

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